m2t is the original files output of Kaffeine.
Normaly I using Kaffeine to record the TV programs (DVB-T).
Next, I see the recorded program, on my TV using an USB Key and the USB input of my DVD player.
For do this I using the Avidemux (GTK+) for convert file from .m2t to .mpeg but not only for this, for example I using Avidemux also for remove the advertising from my registration.
Below there is the explanations how to do this.
General Block Diagram

Kaffeine and AviDemux Block Diagram
First install on UBUNTU (ver.10.04 - Lucid) the Avidemux, version GTK+, using UBUNTU SOFTWARE CENTER.
Second, it is very important configure Avidemux for convert properly .m2t file to .mpeg file for seeing it on TV.
VIDEO Configuration:
MPEG-4 ASP (lavc)
and next, press:
and from the new window that appear select:
and select MPEG
see below
AUDIO Configuration:
Select: MP3 (lame)
and for get a good sync from audio to video select Ritardo and insert -600.
This configuration is properly for my DVD player that is: IRRADIO mod. DVX-121 PLUS.
It is possible that, the Ritardo
time (-600), is not correct for your DVD player, in this case, try
different values of Ritardo for choose the right value for your USB DVD
See below.
Now chose:
save your file with .avi extension (for example: name.avi)
This is all, good vision.